World of Warcraft, Mists of Pandaria opens in just under 7 hours from now (2am Central, 12am Pacific) and Blizzard has released a nearly 7-minute video highlighting the additions and updates.
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft 5.0.4 – Heating Issues and the Mac
World of Warcraft 5.0.4 went live last week, the 28th of August. A lot of Mac users starting noticing that their Macs were running hotter than normal after patching. However, more than a few Windows/PC players are experiencing the heat issue, and so it doesn’t appear to be related to any changes in the graphics code or Mac-specific coding, and it may have even been narrowed down to a single thread on both platforms, as Blizzard support has released a fix for beta users around 10:30pm CST. Retail users will have to wait a little longer.
World of Warcraft Annual Pass 2012 Last Chance
If you are thinking of purchasing the World of Warcraft Annual Pass, and receiving a free copy of Diablo III (Download) as well as a few other things, Monday, April 30, is your last chance. The Arena Pass “Practice Phase” has also started.
World of Warcraft 2012 Arena Pass Registration Open
The 2012 World of Warcraft Arena Pass registration is now open. As mentioned previously, if you sign up and participate, you will receive exclusive access to a Mists of Pandaria level-90 Arena Pass realm if you upgrade to Mists of Pandaria.
World of Warcraft – 2012 Arena Pass Sign-Up
Yesterday, Blizzard announced that the 2012 World of Warcraft Arena Pass will be available for sign-up on April 10th. Those players who sign up will have access to special realms with level-85 templates and gear.