If you haven’t see the Star Wars sale at Aspyr’s GameAgent store, there is still a little bit of time remaining. Star Wars Knights: of the Old Republic for Mac – $7.99. Star Wars: Empire at War – $7.99. You get the picture.
May 4, 2012 – HUGE Sale on Aspyr Star Wars Games
Aspyr is running a huge sale on Star Wars games for Mac tomorrow, May 4, 2012, in celebration of Star Wars Day (Through Sunday!). This includes boxed games – see Russ Looney’s comments at the bottom of the page! The Mac App Store is also running a $7.99 sale on select Mac Star Wars games. See the GameAgent site for the Star Wars sale!
Aspyr Dev Team Issues Quake 4 Challenge
The Aspyr Dev Team, the folks behind Quake 4 for Mac OS X, have challenged the Mac gaming community to a multiplayer deathmatch event this Friday, May 4th, 2pm Central. The maps are randomly chosen and there are only 9 spots available.
GameAgent Tuesday 20% Off Duke Nukem Forever
GameAgent, Aspyr’s game distribution shop, has Duke Nukem Forever as part of their 20% off Tuesdays. It’s $15.99 instead of …
Rage Campaign Edition 1.0.1 – All Mac Versions
Heads up! Aspyr Media has released version 1.0.1 of RAGE: Campaign Edition, and there are updates for both the Mac App Store edition as well as the non-Mac App Store edition. This is the first major patch for RAGE: Campaign Edition.
Quake 4 Available on Mac App Store
Aspyr’s port of id’s Quake 4 is now available on Apple’s Mac App Store for $19.99 (US). The popular First Person Shooter (FPS) does support cross-platform play between Mac and Windows users.