World of Warcraft 5.0.4 went live last week, the 28th of August. A lot of Mac users starting noticing that their Macs were running hotter than normal after patching. However, more than a few Windows/PC players are experiencing the heat issue, and so it doesn’t appear to be related to any changes in the graphics code or Mac-specific coding, and it may have even been narrowed down to a single thread on both platforms, as Blizzard support has released a fix for beta users around 10:30pm CST. Retail users will have to wait a little longer.
Humble Bumble for Android, Mac, Linux, and Windows – One More Day
There is less than one more day for the latest Humble Bundle, and it’s labeled the “Humble Bundle for Android, Mac, Linux, and Windows 3” (or something like that). Remember, this bundle is pay what you want, and you get just four games to start with: Fieldrunners, BIT.TRIP BEAT, SpaceChem, and Uplink. While this is subject to change, if you pay more than the average of $6.75, you will get additional games, including Spirits, EDGE, Osmos, and World of Good.
Apple Releases OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion in the App Store
I haven’t had much of a chance to write the past few months (I’ll finally be able to later this …
Mac OS X 10.7.4 Released Yesterday
Mac OS X 10.7.4 (Lion) was released yesterday by Apple. Even if you aren’t a Mac gamer, you should grab …
Should Apple Get into Game Development?
Slide to Play asks whether Apple should take some of it’s billions in cash and invest in a game studio. It’s an interesting question – Apple has the money, and has bought many smaller companies to incorporate into itself over the past decade. My answer is no, regardless of whether it’s iOS or OS X.
Apple Mac App Store – 10,000 Apps
A French website,, is reporting that more than 10,000 Mac OS X applications are now available in Apple’s Mac App Store. Note that this is not an official announcement – it’s based on MacGeneration’s own research/system.