The Elder Scrolls Online may not be a World of Warcraft killer (is anything?), but like World of Warcraft, there will be a Mac version of the game. Mac gamers rejoice! We may not have Mac-native version of the other single-player Elder Scrolls RPG games from Bethesday, but we’ll have ESO in 2013.
Elder Scrolls Online has been a poorly kept secret for a while, but today Game Informer gave us some solid details. It will be discussed more thoroughly in their June issue. Game Informer is promising information about everything from solo quests to public dungeons, along with the three faction player-versus-player setting (PvP), which will take place in “open-world warfare over the province of Cyrodiil and the Emperor’s Throne itself.”
They will also be providing a game trailer tomorrow.
The basic plot, as outlined by Game Informer:
Players will discover an entirely new chapter of Elder Scrolls history in this ambitious world, set a millennium before the events of Skyrim as the daedric prince Molag Bal tries to pull all of Tamriel into his demonic realm.
What we know so far:
– Developed by Zenimax Online Studios (parent company of Bethesda).
– Set 1,000 years before Elder Scrolls’ Skyrim
– It has been in development for several years
– Managed by Matt Firor (more on him in a moment)
Matt Firor – Game Director of Elder Scrolls Online
What do we know about Matt Firor? He’s actually well-known in the gaming and MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) communities. He helped found Mythic Entertainment, and would go on to be the producer of the MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot, a game that is still going today over a decade later. He was also in charge of DAOC during its first couple of expansions. Not long after leaving Mythic, he moved over to ZeniMax Media Inc., to head up ZeniMax Online Studios. ZeniMax is the parent company of Bethesda Softworks, which is over the Elder Scrolls franchise.
There are rumors that ESO will be shown off at E3 next month.
I’m very interested – I’ve played Elder Scrolls III Morrowwind and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and they were terrific single-player RPGs. The question is whether The Elder Scrolls Online will be a “sandbox” style MMORPG, or whether it will be more of a “theme park” MMORPG where you are guided along. If the philosophy of the stand-alone single-player games is maintained, it will be more of a sandbox-style game.
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