It was just a few days ago when we first heard a few details of N.O.V.A. 3, and now a lot more information is coming out about, including a timeline and characters that are involved. On the Gameloft blog, there appears to be a screenshot of a co-op map.
N.O.V.A. stands for Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance and is a sci-fi based action/adventure First Person Shooter (FPS) game, a very popular series.
First up, an excerpt from the the Gameloft Blog announcing Shots Fired in Abandoned San Francisco:
Unconfirmed reports of an explosion and shots fired in the abandoned ruins of San Francisco earlier today. Sources claim that members of the N.O.V.A Troops attacked the Volterite protectorate with no cause or warning, setting off a series of shootouts. No additional information has been reported about the reason behind the attack or the outcome.
Events are ongoing and we will continue to update you with more information.
From the Gameloft NOVA 3 Facebook Page, this is listed as prior to N.O.V.A. 3:
Volterite Protectorate
Following President Folsom’s death, the government put the colonies under Volterite protectorate, considering that otherwise the situation would degenerate into a civil war.
Volterites were an alien, humanoid species that made contact with humans prior to N.O.V.A. 2.
Among the characters listed in N.O.V.A. 3
– Kal Wardin
– Yelena
– Prometheus
– Archon Ethias
As for the planets, it’s just a recap of the planets seen in N.O.V.A. 1 and N.O.V.A. 2. There maybe more added later on.
Related Stories:
– N.O.V.A. 3 – First Gameplay Video – April 30, 2012
– A Few Details of N.O.V.A. 3 – April 24, 2012